Futurama, Season 7 subtitles

Futurama, Season 7 English Subtitles

Genre: Comedy

Rated 8.3 From 1612 Ratings

Tv Season Info

  • Release Date:
  • Advisory Rating: TV-PG
  • Episodes: 13
  • Produced by: Futurama

Futurama, Season 7 English Subtitles Download for all Episodes 1-13

Title Downloads D2 Description
1. Rebirth Get Subtitle Mirror 2 Futurama, S7 E1 is 21:38 mins long and the subtitl
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2. In-a-Gadda-Da-Leela Get Subtitle Mirror 2 Futurama, S7 E2 is 21:38 mins long and the subtitl
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3. Attack of the Killer App Get Subtitle Mirror 2 Futurama, S7 E3 is 21:38 mins long and the subtitl
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4. Proposition Infinity Get Subtitle Mirror 2 Futurama, S7 E4 is 21:39 mins long and the subtitl
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5. The Duh-Vinci Code Get Subtitle Mirror 2 Futurama, S7 E5 is 21:39 mins long and the subtitl
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6. Lethal Inspection Get Subtitle Mirror 2 Futurama, S7 E6 is 21:39 mins long and the subtitl
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7. The Late Philip J. Fry Get Subtitle Mirror 2 Futurama, S7 E7 is 21:39 mins long and the subtitl
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8. That Darn Katz! Get Subtitle Mirror 2 Futurama, S7 E8 is 21:38 mins long and the subtitl
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9. A Clockwork Origin Get Subtitle Mirror 2 Futurama, S7 E9 is 21:39 mins long and the subtitl
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10. The Prisoner of Benda Get Subtitle Mirror 2 Futurama, S7 E10 is 21:38 mins long and the subtit
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11. Lrrreconcilable Ndndifferences Get Subtitle Mirror 2 Futurama, S7 E11 is 21:39 mins long and the subtit
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12. The Mutants Are Revolting Get Subtitle Mirror 2 Futurama, S7 E12 is 21:41 mins long and the subtit
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13. Holiday Spectacular Get Subtitle Mirror 2 Futurama, S7 E13 is 21:38 mins long and the subtit
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How to Use Subtitles for the Futurama, Season 7 Videos

  1. Move the subtitle files into the same folder as your video files.

  2. Rename the subtitle files to exactly the same name as your video files. e.g. Futurama, Season 7_Episode_1.mp4 and Futurama, Season 7_.srt.

  3. Open the Futurama, Season 7 video in VLC or your media player. The subtitles will automatically appear in the video. If it does not, check if the Futurama, Season 7 srt files are correctly named, then close and restart your video player.

<i>Futurama</i> is back! Your favorite zany group from the future has returned with brand-new episodes, premiering on Comedy Central. Twentieth century boy Philip J. Fry is still jetting around the universe with his favorite drunken robot, one-eyed mutant, mad scientist, rule-abiding Jamaican accountant, and Nibblonian monster with a host of brand-new adventures from the team at Planet Express!

Viewer Reviews

  • Continue the series 🤖

    By Zerowingx

    Love this season
  • Good stuff!

    By Mr.Mejia

    Episode 5 & 7 are my all time favorites!
  • All new futurama is good!!!

    By golfwangER

    And you should feel good!!!
  • Missing an episode

    By R's Journal

    Would give 5 stars but this season is missing an episode. Glad to have Futurama episodes back and glad to see that the quality hasn't gone down at all. This is an example of an animated comedy done right.
  • I love it

    By PhilipMe123

    Yayyyyyyyyyhyyyyyyyyggyyyyy best show ever well this family guy and south park yAaaaaa
  • Not the same number of episodes as purchased

    By Petepo

    Purchased the season pass right away when the show came back - 30 some episodes for $30.... Still haven't received the number of episodes I purchased.... If you want to purchase buy individually to save money and receive the episodes you paid for.
  • Beautiful Mutants

    By set1914

    Very witty, fun and the best part is that it has DEVO.
  • That's it?

    By coelhinho

    Where is the rest of season 7?
  • Futurama is back!

    By ty9131

    At the time I'm writing this, Futurama is about halfway through their broadcast season eight. So I'd like to give my ratings for broadcast season seven's episodes: 1. Rebirth - (4/5) This is a great episode for the show to return with. We get re-aquainted with the characters, there's a good plot, and lots of laughs (favorite part is when Bender is cartwheeling away from the cyclops eater shouting "Yeah baby, c'mon!"). 2. In-A-Gadda-Da-Leela - (3/5) Meh. It's impossible for me to hate any Futurama episode, but this one was simply okay. It was nice to see Zapp again, but something just didn't sit right with me during this episode (maybe how horrible he treats Leela). 3. Attack Of The Killer App - (3.5/5) It improves over the second episode, with more laughs and an interesting and creative way to depict technology in the future. The butt boil is what keeps it from being amazing. While not bad at all, the boil plot takes a step down from the eyePhone plot. 4. Proposition Infinity - (4.5/5) This was such a good episode. I know loads of people won't agree with me, but I thought it was really good. I can't honestly pinpoint what made me love this episode so much, but all I know is that I loved Bender and Amy's relationship. 5. The Duh-Vinci Code - (4/5) Quite an odd episode for Futurama, but they pull it off beautifully. It's definitely a creative and fun-to-look-at-the-animations episode. And I must say, they really came up with a story simply from Fry's stupidity. 6. Lethal Inspection - (4.5/5) Aside from the opening war reinactment scene, this episode had me. It's amazing how good of a story that they pulled out of the odd pairing of Bender and Hermes. 7. The Late Philip J. Fry - (5/5) An instant classic. This episode rates in my top ten Futurama episodes ever. It combines time travel along with an emotional Fry and Leela story. Just from the description, you know that this episode is fantastic. 8. That Darn Katz! - (4.5/5) The silly-ness off this episode is what makes it good. The fact that it's a nice break from the slight tearjerkers "Lethal Inspection" and "The Late Philip J. Fry". Just a story about cats taking over the world. How can we deny? 9. A Clockwork Origin - (4/5) I heavily enjoyed the robo-evolution parts of the episode (obviously this is most of the episode), but what ruins this for me is the Zoidberg/Cubert subplot. While Zoidberg is funny as usual, I've always hated Cubert's existence and personality. 10. The Prisoner Of Benda - (5/5) Another episode in my top ten, this is just brilliant from end to end. From the mind-switching to the multiple plots, to (dare I say it) Fry in Zoidberg's body and Leela in the Professor's body making out on the dinner table. It was a pure crazy episode. 11. Lrrreconcilable Ndndiffernces - (4/5) It was great to see our favorite Omicronians again. Another very good and welcomed episode to the Futurama canon. 12. The Mutants Are Revolting - (4.5/5) The 100th episode. It took over 10 years, but they made it! This episode was great. I wouldn't consider it a classic like "The Late Philip J. Fry" or "The Prisoner Of Benda", but with a great story and humor, it's another great Futurama episode. 13. The Futurama Holiday Spectacular - (3/5) This is my least favorite of the season. I didn't really care for the songs in any of the segments. It was great to see Al Gore in his fourth Futurama appearence, and Coolio in his third. I don't hate this episode, nor do I hate any Futurama episode, but there just wasn't enough to keep me really entertained. Total rate for the season would be a 4/5. It had a shaky start, but I happily welcome back Futurama to television. Long live Futurama, the greatest show ever!

Futurama Seasons