Movie Info
Genre:Drama, Horror, Mystery & Suspense
Directed By:Mike Flanagan
Written By:Mike Flanagan, Jeff Howard
In Theaters:Sep 29, 2017 limited
On Disc/Streaming:Sep 29, 2017
Run time:103 minutes
Episodes subtitles:
Critic Reviews for Gerald’s Game
All Critics (27) | Top Critics (6) | Fresh (24) | Rotten (3)
When it works, it’s because of Gugino, the rare performer who can suggest victimized despair and empowered triumph.

The best King adaptation of the year so far.

In bursts, between the memories and the ghostly Who’s Afraid of Stephen King? playlets, Flanagan shows that he probably could have made a leaner, meaner, more suspenseful film.
Carla Gugino gives a tour-de-force performance in an arresting psychological thriller based on Stephen King’s 1992 novel.
As the renewed wave of interest in Stephen King continues to crash on our cinematic shores, we can only hope that future adapters and adaptions will be so well matched.

When the movie arrives at a phenomenal, breakneck climax, and then keeps going with a totally implausible twist, it’s adhering to the unwritten rule: No matter who’s driving, everyone must bow to the King.
… Gerald’s Game isn’t exclusively a story about trauma, but one of survival.

[Mike] Flanagan has a command of how to make the most of a single location, and Gerald’s Game often captures a sense of mounting tension and fear through small touches.
If this is any indication of what a continued partnership would bring, Netflix and Stephen King should look for as many chances as they can to stay together.

It’s a barnstorming showcase for Gugino, so often underused, who tackles a difficult, physically restricted role with gusto.

The movie, like real life, understands that victim-blaming head-voices are often more persistently traumatizing than the original perp was by himself.
Gerald’s Game is one of the most interesting and well-acted movies you’ll see this year.

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