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Set in the near-future, this Emmy(R)-winning series follows employees and patrons of Westworld, a vast theme park modeled after America's Wild West. It is a place where every detail and scenario--including those involving the android "hosts" that are indistinguishable from humans--have been planned and executed...until some of the hosts begin to display a disturbing pattern of aberrant behavior. Over the course of three riveting seasons, this rebellion explodes in a harrowing series of twists and turns that take the battleground between humans and hosts from the old West to the real world. With an exceptional cast that includes Anthony Hopkins, Ed Harris, Evan Rachel Wood, James Marsden, Thandie Newton, Jeffrey Wright, Aaron Paul and Seymour Cassell, "Westworld" was inspired by the 1973 motion picture written and directed by Michael Crichton ("Jurassic Park").